Closed Bug 634694 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Spark campaign promo on What's New page


(Marketing :: Design, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: clooney, Assigned: tshahian)




(3 files)

On the day of launch (~March 21) for 15 days, I'd like to swap the current mobile promo with a Spark campaign promo to drive awareness. 

Similar to the Thanks for Downloading page promo (634678) it should have elements of the campaign site (flame, font, color theme)

Header: Start Your Spark! Body: Ready to light up the world? Celebrate Firefox going mobile with Spark, a
free game for Android devices. <Get started.>
One complication here is that from the Fx4 launch through the major update, the What's New page will actually be a dupe of the First Run page. The plus side is that it will be very welcoming for new Fx4 users, but the negative side is that it won't have as much promotional space as the current What's New page does.

Also, I know for the first initial time period after the desktop launch (a couple of weeks?) we're planning on having small promos for the FB & Twitter campaigns instead. 

Bottom line: I want to make sure we promote Spark wherever possible when it's ready, but we should sync up on the timing first. Mayumi, what do you think?
For the small FB & Twitter promos on the WN/FR page I was hoping to promote those for the first 2-5 days of the desktop launch and then switch to mobile or spark with the launch of mobile (assuming that mobile launches a week after desktop).
I should also mention that the Spark campaign will go live on launch day and go throughout April (5 weeks), so we can go up for a few weeks, be taken down, then put back up if need be. Not sure if that's possible, but just wanted to throw it out there that we can go off and on.
Hey guys.  I think it would be great if Sean can help whip this up since he has been working on the FR/WN page designs.
Attached file Spark Design Files
Attached are the Spark design files.  I think we need to show the flame against a black background -- that's how it was designed and how it looks best.  Perhaps we can turn it into an icon... putting it in a circle or something. I'll leave it up to you (Sean) to figure out the best way to style the banner.
Attached image mockup of Spark Promo
Not sure if a short blurb was finalized for these promos, so I just put "Spark »" as placeholder for now.
Caitlin, can you provide your desired CTA for the button please?  "Play Spark", "Mobile Spark" or whatever that is consistent with other promos you've been using.  Thanks!
Firefox 4 for Android is live. Play Spark.
(In reply to comment #10)
> Firefox 4 for Android is live. Play Spark.

We need a shorter version to fit the available "Play Spark" ok?
That's ok, but I don't think there is any context. I wonder if we should show the spark in the phone image if that's all the room we have.
"Go Mobile. Play Spark!" might fit...what about that?
So confirming that this will go live when mobile goes live, correct.
Resolving this, moving discussion to bug 642230.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 642230
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